Ladies Super B: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Karen Murdock 6 6 100.00
2 Erika Olivier 5 5 100.00
3 Alison Oshry 4 4 100.00
4 Siann Molony 1 1 100.00
4 Kendall Westcott 1 1 100.00
6 Kathryn Bailey 5 6 83.33
6 Debbie Steele 5 6 83.33
8 Kathy Scott 4 6 66.67
8 Michelle Maree 4 6 66.67
10 Tracey Smith 3 5 60.00
10 Terry Dowling 3 5 60.00
12 Angela Fraser 3 6 50.00
12 Lisa O'Grady 3 6 50.00
12 Mieke Scholtz 3 6 50.00
15 Elvira Mitchell 1 2 50.00
15 Marilize Lansdown 1 2 50.00
17 Caroline Meyer 2 5 40.00
18 Megan Crook 2 6 33.33
18 Michelle Ward 2 6 33.33
20 Monique Renze 1 5 20.00
21 Nicky Pio 1 6 16.67
22 Sonja Van Eck 0 5 0.00
22 Wendy Theron 0 5 0.00
24 Dione Johnson 0 4 0.00
25 Karin Vorster 0 2 0.00
26 Hayley Smith 0 1 0.00
26 Karen Schepers 0 1 0.00
26 Liezel Goussard 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Debbie Steele 1388
2 Kathy Scott 1370
3 Alison Oshry 1369
4 Angela Fraser 1346
5 Karen Schepers 1333
6 Dione Johnson 1319
7 Lisa O'Grady 1318
8 Michelle Maree 1317
9 Caroline Meyer 1315
10 Kathryn Bailey 1301
11 Karen Murdock 1263
12 Nicky Pio 1206
13 Kendall Westcott 1145
14 Terry Dowling 1141
15 Erika Olivier 1114
16 Sonja Van Eck 1101
17 Liezel Goussard 1077
18 Wendy Theron 1071
19 Megan Crook 1034
20 Tracey Smith 1010
21 Michelle Ward 997
22 Siann Molony 947
23 Monique Renze 946
24 Marilize Lansdown 935
25 Elvira Mitchell 921
26 Hayley Smith 874
27 Karin Vorster 860
28 Mieke Scholtz 859
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Alison Oshry 100.00 4 0
2 Kathryn Bailey 83.33 5 1
3 Tracey Smith 75.00 3 1
4 Karen Murdock 100.00 5 0
5 Erika Olivier 100.00 5 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Karen Murdock 2 2 100.00
2 Debbie Steele 1 1 100.00
2 Siann Molony 1 1 100.00
4 Kathryn Bailey 3 4 75.00
5 Tracey Smith 3 5 60.00
6 Mieke Scholtz 3 6 50.00
7 Michelle Maree 2 4 50.00
8 Elvira Mitchell 1 2 50.00
8 Marilize Lansdown 1 2 50.00
8 Caroline Meyer 1 2 50.00
11 Michelle Ward 2 5 40.00
12 Megan Crook 1 3 33.33
12 Terry Dowling 1 3 33.33
14 Nicky Pio 1 6 16.67
15 Sonja Van Eck 5 0.00
16 Wendy Theron 3 0.00
17 Monique Renze 2 0.00
18 Karin Vorster 1 0.00
18 Dione Johnson 1 0.00
18 Angela Fraser 1 0.00
18 Karen Schepers 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Tracey Smith 937 1010 73
2 Kathryn Bailey 1232 1301 69
3 Karen Murdock 1202 1263 61
4 Michelle Ward 948 997 49
4 Mieke Scholtz 810 859 49
6 Nicky Pio 1172 1206 34
7 Terry Dowling 1111 1141 30
8 Siann Molony 917 947 30
9 Alison Oshry 1349 1369 20
10 Michelle Maree 1300 1317 17
11 Megan Crook 1020 1034 14
12 Marilize Lansdown 921 935 14
13 Elvira Mitchell 911 921 10
14 Sonja Van Eck 1092 1101 9
14 Caroline Meyer 1306 1315 9
16 Erika Olivier 1112 1114 2
17 Kendall Westcott 1145 1145 0
18 Karen Schepers 1334 1333 -1
19 Debbie Steele 1390 1388 -2
20 Karin Vorster 870 860 -10
21 Hayley Smith 884 874 -10
21 Liezel Goussard 1087 1077 -10
23 Kathy Scott 1384 1370 -14
24 Monique Renze 962 946 -16
25 Angela Fraser 1368 1346 -22
26 Wendy Theron 1094 1071 -23
27 Lisa O'Grady 1348 1318 -30
28 Dione Johnson 1350 1319 -31
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Sonja Van Eck 5 5 100.00
1 Wendy Theron 5 5 100.00
3 Dione Johnson 4 4 100.00
4 Karin Vorster 2 2 100.00
5 Hayley Smith 1 1 100.00
5 Karen Schepers 1 1 100.00
5 Liezel Goussard 1 1 100.00
8 Nicky Pio 5 6 83.33
9 Monique Renze 4 5 80.00
10 Megan Crook 4 6 66.67
10 Michelle Ward 4 6 66.67
12 Caroline Meyer 3 5 60.00
13 Angela Fraser 3 6 50.00
13 Lisa O'Grady 3 6 50.00
13 Mieke Scholtz 3 6 50.00
16 Elvira Mitchell 1 2 50.00
16 Marilize Lansdown 1 2 50.00
18 Tracey Smith 2 5 40.00
18 Terry Dowling 2 5 40.00
20 Kathy Scott 2 6 33.33
20 Michelle Maree 2 6 33.33
22 Kathryn Bailey 1 6 16.67
22 Debbie Steele 1 6 16.67
24 Karen Murdock 0 6 0.00
25 Erika Olivier 0 5 0.00
26 Alison Oshry 0 4 0.00
27 Siann Molony 0 1 0.00
27 Kendall Westcott 0 1 0.00